Soul Figures Blog: Astrology, Archetypes, & Transformation

The Planetary Magic of Soul Figures

The Planetary Magic of Soul Figures

The Astro-Archetypal Planetary Magic we teach in Soul Figures is a powerful system that combines astrology, Jungian active imagination, and tarot. It is informed equally by Western astrology's archetypal symbolism...

The Planetary Magic of Soul Figures

The Astro-Archetypal Planetary Magic we teach in Soul Figures is a powerful system that combines astrology, Jungian active imagination, and tarot. It is informed equally by Western astrology's archetypal symbolism...

DON’T HUNT FOR RHYME: Where our magic goes wrong

DON’T HUNT FOR RHYME: Where our magic goes wrong

All you really need to know, and all life needs to know about you, in order to keep rhyming with you: that you met the moment and moved through it....

DON’T HUNT FOR RHYME: Where our magic goes wrong

All you really need to know, and all life needs to know about you, in order to keep rhyming with you: that you met the moment and moved through it....

What the Internet Gets Wrong About the Shadow

What the Internet Gets Wrong About the Shadow

Perhaps befitting of the fact that the Shadow archetype is related to all the parts of ourselves that we can’t see clearly, there is often a tendency in the New...

What the Internet Gets Wrong About the Shadow

Perhaps befitting of the fact that the Shadow archetype is related to all the parts of ourselves that we can’t see clearly, there is often a tendency in the New...