
I started studying astrology at age 13. I was obsessed with astronomy in eighth grade, and eagerly signed up for a summer astronomy course at the local community college where I got to see Carl Sagan speak live! But I'm well aware Dr. Sagan likely wouldn't approve of the more archetypal and intuitive approach my fascination with the stars ended up taking. For what it's worth, I still love dipping into the occasional physics book now and again. 

Though astrology was always a background element in my life, I experienced two major events that shaped me into the astrologer I am today, and inspired me to provide astrology as a service to others: First, my discovery of the Inner Guide technique, and a while later, finally opening my mind to sidereal astrology - after having found tropical wanting for some time. Both of these methods brought my understanding of my own chart sharply into focus and have shaped my approach to interpreting the stars for others. Discovering Western sidereal astrology was a full circle moment, taking me back to the stars, my original source of astrological, and astronomical, inspiration. I also bring a familiarity with tarot and Western esoteric traditions, and a love of history, music, theatre, and mythology to my practice of astrology. 

-Shively, Creator of Soul Figures

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Learn all about Western sidereal astrology here: https://www.westernsiderealastrology.com

Skyscript Astrology Articles (mix of tropical and sidereal): https://www.skyscript.co.uk/books.html#sc

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